В един даден момент плавно се групират двойки, може и тройки по интереси...
понеделник, 21 септември 2009 г.
Birthday shortstory...
В един даден момент плавно се групират двойки, може и тройки по интереси...
понеделник, 7 септември 2009 г.
Попаднах на един стар текст в блога на пловдивското CMS CREW(Clear Minded Stream), който бях чел преди години. Може би това е по-обновена версия - не съм сигурен, но има силни думи,затова реших, че е добре да го припомним ;)
Published by cms-ultra
Everyday I see people in the streets. People wasting what God has given them and taken from others. Just the though of people who cannot walk, talk, hear or see makes me shiver and yet again others are wasting away their abilities. Empty life led around the 9 to 5 working schedule, work, walk, talk like machines, living the empty consumer way, finding happiness in watching television all night or visiting the same old places every Friday just to say they are going out. Living like machines, working like ants, obeying like sheep, thinking and talking as if they are reading from a list. Noone needs to imprison people for obedience anymore, people are already imprisoned in their minds. When dead, finished, forgotten, just replaced with the same obedient machines. The blind see more than them, the deaf hear more, the paralyzed move more and the dumb say more with their body than any other human of those will. Everyday I see people in the streets. People wasting their lives , laying wasted on the ground. Wasting away the gift of clear thought, wasting away the purity of their mind, body and soul. Not counting time day by day but fix by fix. Lying to themselves that they are solving problems like this, lying to others that this is a disease. Useless scum when alive, heroes to their society when dead. Weak-minded individuals who have been smashed by life? Life tries to fuck with everyone every now and then¦ the strong survive the weak fade away. Everyday I see people in the streets. People wasting their lives in doing something meaningless, senseless. Repeating the pointless everyday cycle of shopping, talking and clubbing. Wasting every given second in gossip and mindless development of simple intrigues. Life in expectation of death. One once said that great minds talked about people, ordinary minds talked about event and low minds talked about people. Senseless gossip on the way to death “ lying to themselves that they are happy just because they smile. When life becomes unfashionable they will be the first to die.
Everyday I see people in the streets. People wasting their lives trying to convince themselves that they will achieve significance through wearing unfashionable clothes or listening to underground music. Running away from truth wont help them escape the inevitable. There is no such thing as antifashion. What is underground for commercial fashion is fashionable for the underground society, underground fashion? Being different is not different anymore. Even creativity is not creative, doing something just because it is different? Eating shit is different too, do you want to be creative that way? Everyday I see people in the streets. People wasting their lives trying to help others who do not deserve it. Trying to change the world. People who will never find true happiness , having their live devoted to helping the ungrateful scum people in our contemporary society are not saints but fools , for nature has her own way of separating the better. People need to learn how to look after themselves. Noone will solve their problems for them. They must learn that they mean nothing to this world the ones worth living for are friends. Learn to stand your ground. The only sincere happiness lies within ones heart, but can only be felt when mind body and soul are purified from all prejudice.
неделя, 6 септември 2009 г.
Направо от новия "Get Color" на HEALTH е прекрасното видео към сингъла "Die Slow."
Много HEALTH напоследък - мания!
Тук вокала е малко изтръпнал на моменти, но няма грижи, иначе оргията е пълна ;)
HEALTH "DIE SLOW" from Lovepump United on Vimeo.
събота, 5 септември 2009 г.
Бункери на светлата памет !
петък, 4 септември 2009 г.
сряда, 2 септември 2009 г.

Случайно откритие, отново...Всъщност колко случайно може да се открие нещо в блог, който следиш отдавна...много тъпо, знам.
Под Influences в MySpace профила на HEALTH пише следното:
Интригува веднага!
Rock / Experimental, Noiserock от L.A. ... може.

Звучи ми даже доста добре, макар че според по-просветените в тази сфера става дума за поредната ЕлЕй-ска група в този дух. Били нещо като продукт на вече поизчерпаната алтернативна дистортед рок вълна там.
Незнам, аз не съм чул нищо... Членовете на формацийката ми изглеждат като типични, модернистични "band geeks", но вече като че ли съм спрял да обръщам внимание на тези неща – спретнати момчета.


...и още, тук могат да бъдат прочетени текстове в абсолютно свободен формат, разливи на съзнанието, нестройни разсъждения и прочее бързи включвания. това не е блог за лично творчество, опазил господ. всъщност това не е нищо определено. канал 1, да кажем, в него се влива всевъзможна информация, която е интересувала автора от 2008 до сега. няма претенции за стил, тема, актуалност или какъвто и да е адекватен спрямо евентуалния таргет подход.